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We are developing an unorthodox romantic comedy about three couples whose marriages are on the verge of collapse. The story is mostly set on a sailboat in the Mediterrenean and it is to be filmed in South of Turkey and London, starring a British cast. We are very excited to join forces with co-producing partners. Ask us for a one-pager and we'll take it from there.
The screenplay is written by my sister, Selin Sevinc, who would insist her bio is more impressive than mine:
Selin is a screenwriter based in the US. Her screenplays were recognized by Slamdance and Austin Film Festival screenwriting contests. She was a Berlinale Talents participant as a screenwriter in 2009 and is currently developing six feature-length screenplays in addition to her TV project 'Blue River', recently picked up by Art & Essai in Canada. She serves as an Associate Programmer for BendFilm Festival's Narrative Features program and writes and produces marketing videos for The NW Collective in Oregon. She holds BA and MA degrees in Film & TV Production from Brunel and Bournemouth Universities in the UK. Her script consultancy and blogging website is
Please check back for updates on the project.
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